Ironically, we talked about peacemakers in church. The pastor shared with the congregation a story about a young girl, Brianna, whose smile could light up the darkest rooms. She took matters into her own hands and sought to "walk with [her] brother in perfect harmony" despite the hatred that surrounded her. As always, my thoughts began to wander and I began thinking about the joyful chirps that woke me up this morning. Birds are known to "sing after a storm" which, in a way, is what we're called to do! God wants us to "sing" even when our voices are out of tune or, in other words, we are at loose ends with our brothers and sisters! As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to be peacemakers like Brianna and smile, for "smiling is a language that everyone should learn how to speak." When we do these things, there will be peace on earth, "the peace that was meant to be."
Birds continue to chirp no matter what the weather, just as we should seek to bring peace so we may "weather the storm together!"
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." Matt. 5:9