Thursday, June 26, 2014

A List on Life

I've had difficulty sleeping the past few weeks and thought I would post a few of the thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head! This list is only a handful of the lessons I have learned/am still learning and, as always, I wanted to share it with you!

1. Rise, shine, and give God the glory!
Wake up every morning and give God the thanks and praise He deserves. 

2. Eat breakfast/drink coffee (or both) with God.
Walking with God is the best exercise, and an early morning workout with Him is the best (and the only) way to start your day off right!

3. Love God and love others.
*singing* "We love (clap, clap) because God first loved us!" It's as simple as that!

4. Choose to stand in the longest line when checking out at the grocery store.
Use that extra time wisely to simply rest in God's presence by talking to Him and talking to those around you.

5. Leave for class (or work, whichever) at least 15min early.
You never know who God will place in your path that day, and "the greatest gift you can give someone is your time."

6. "Give a stranger a smile. It may be the only sunshine he sees all day!"

7. Be in conversation with God 24/7.
You don't have to be on your knees with your hands folded "waffle-style" to talk to God. You can (and should) talk to Him all throughout the day! Talk to Him on your way to class, while you mow the yard, as you play basketball - bring God into every part of your life!

8. Always look for ways to better yourself.
Never be content with the person you are right now. Strive to become more like Christ with each passing day!

9. Remain true to yourself.
Decide now the type of person you want to be and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Be able to look in the mirror and like the person looking back at you.

10. Laugh...a lot!
"You aren't old unless you have wrinkles on your heart."

11. Look on the bright side of every situation...and there's ALWAYS a bright side!

12. Hug each other!
Did you know you can "hug away" stress?

13. "Walk a little slower and open up your eyes...sometimes it's so hard to see the good things passing by!"
Slow down, take the scenic route, and simply enjoy the detail of God's creation.

14. When God places somebody on your heart randomly, contact them.
You'll soon realize it wasn't so random after all.

Believe in God, believe in yourself, believe in those around you, believe in your dreams, and believe everything happens for a reason.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Perfectly Placed


I received an e-mail yesterday from Mrs. Becky, our College Ministry Pastor, informing us that our summer Bible study would be kicking off this evening! Beaming with joy, I bolted towards my phone and typed it into my calendar as fast as I could, all the while making sure it showed up in the soft orange color that represents "Bible Study" and has the "praying hands" emoji trailing behind, of course.

In the words of Genesis, "evening passed and morning came" - Wednesday. I woke up the same way I usually opening my eyes (not to worry, I took note of this rare occasion). However, today was different because my "Hump Day Duties" no longer ended after class. Instead, they would continue until evening as the not-so-long awaited Bible study was launching tonight! I was ECSTATIC! THRILLED! EXHILARATED! I couldn't wait to hear more about this new series we were starting. Little did I know, the study I THOUGHT I'd be starting and the study God KNEW I'd be starting were two different studies! Here's what happened:

After worship, Mrs. Becky and I headed to the classroom. Seeing that most of the college students were either out of town or home for the summer (I jokingly refer to them as "The Chosen Ones" because they're not taking summer classes), it didn't take us long to realize Bible study would be "set for two" tonight. We began weighing our options, and I listened intently as Mrs. Becky rattled off the other Bible studies I could attend. I lit up like a Christmas tree when she mentioned a Bible study that'd be reading a book that motivates us to "do the love of God" and "put it into creative practice." I'm not sure, but I think...I *THINK* my excitement was obvious (I'm kidding, of facial expressions are about as subtle as an earthquake), for she immediately grabbed her things and said, "Let's go!" We marched one-by-one (hoorah, hoorah) to the room where Love Does was perfectly placed in my hands. I say "perfectly placed" because as I began skimming through the pages, God began poking and prodding at me. I skimmed some more. He prodded some more. It was evident God wanted my attention and my side would continue to be poked until I listened. 

You see, Love Does is a book about people wanting to follow their dreams, and even planning on going, but ultimately...not going. It encourages us to have faith and simply "show up" because "you don't need a plan; you just need to be present." We have to "land the plane on our plans to make a difference by getting to the 'do' part of faith" because "love is never stationary" and "simply put: love does." This was EXACTLY what I needed to hear because it is EXACTLY what I'm going through! Coincidence? Nope, not one bit! God has our best interest in mind. He knows WHAT we need and WHEN we need it! HIS TIMING IS PERFECT!

The point of this story is: I believe everything happens for a reason. I believe there was a reason I was the only person that showed up tonight...because that led Mrs. Becky to telling me about the other Bible studies...which led me to having Love Does "perfectly placed" in my hands because God knew THIS was the lesson I needed to learn right now! We may make the plans, but God will rearrange them until they match HIS agenda...just as He rearranged my Bible study plans!

"Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD'S purpose that prevails." Proverbs 19:21

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Accompanying Acquaintances

My mom shared this poem with me a few years back and I wanted to pass it along to you! This poem has played a vital role in my life (especially in college) as I have sought the friendships I wanted to MAKE and the friendships I wanted to MAINTAIN. It reiterates the importance of surrounding ourselves with positive influences and it encourages us to be that positive influence to others!
The Front Row Poem
Life is a theater so invite your audiences carefully. Not everyone is holy enough and healthy enough to have a FRONT ROW seat in our lives.
There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a distance.

It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go, or at least minimize your time with draining, negative, incompatible, not-going-anywhere relationships, friendships, fellowships and family!
Everyone can't be in your FRONT ROW.

Observe the relationships around you.

Pay attention to: Which ones lift and which ones lean?
Which ones encourage and which ones discourage?
Which ones are on a path of growth uphill and which ones are just going downhill?

When you leave certain people, do you feel better or feel worse?
Which ones always have drama or don't really understand, know and appreciate you and the gift that lies within you?
Everyone can't be in your FRONT ROW.

The more you seek God and the things of God, the more you seek quality, the more you seek not just the hand of God but the face of God, the more you seek things honorable, the more you seek growth, peace of mind, love and truth around you, the easier it will become for you to decide who gets to sit in the FRONT ROW and who should be moved to the balcony of your life.
Everyone can't be in your FRONT ROW.

You cannot change the people around you, but you can change the people you are around! Ask God for wisdom and discernment and choose wisely the people who sit in the FRONT ROW of your life.

Remember that FRONT ROW seats are for special and deserving people and those who sit in your FRONT ROW should be chosen carefully.
Everyone can't be in your FRONT ROW!

"Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good morals.'" 1 Corinthians 15:33