Monday, April 27, 2015

"12th Lamb" Baaaaasketball

For those of you who know me, you know I rarely cry.

Okay, you caught me, Elle Woods. I actually cry all the time. In fact, I'm crying tears of joy right now! That's what I do, though. I cry tears of joy. It's as if my heart can't contain the sheer joy that wells up inside me so it expresses itself through streams of tears...and by streams I mean people have mistaken my face for Niagara Falls and offered me a wad of cash for an up-close, personal view of Canada's most famous natural attraction.

With that being said, I played in my last "12th Lamb" Intramural Baaaaasketball game last week. We lost 41-48 in the championship game, and I cried...tears of JOY! For those of you who know me, you know how much I love basketball. I live it. I breathe it. I could play every single day and not get tired of it. I love everything about it - the sound the net makes when you swish that 15-footer, the sound of basketball shoes squeaking on the gym floor, the sense of satisfaction you feel when you block somebody out, crash the boards, and come down with that defensive-rebound. 

When I was just a little girl, I knew there was a reason God made me passionate about basketball. As I matured in my faith and began learning the importance of walking (or running) with beautiful feet, whether I was wearing basketball shoes or bright-colored Keds, it became my constant prayer and my heart's deepest desire to glorify God through the game I love. There are two things I dream of doing when I grow up - becoming a talk show host and running a summer basketball camp! Believe it or not, this is the first time I've told anyone about that second dream! I've always kept it to myself...which I find funny because it doesn't sound near as "crazy" (I use that term lightly because I don't think it's a crazy dream at all) as wanting to be a talk show host! Hahaha! Anyway, I am constantly relating life to basketball (that's just how my brain works) and I would absolutely LOVE to use those metaphors to simply teach kids about life through the game of basketball and how we can glorify God while running up and down a basketball court!

There's a famous quote that encourages us, "Play for the name on the front of the jersey, not the back." Don't get me wrong, I believe it's vital we be the best representation of whatever team it is we're playing for - whether it be the White Oak Ladynecks, Sigma Phi Lambda, or Texas A&M University. However, one thing I've come to realize is that the names on the front of our jerseys are constantly changing, but there is One whose name remains constant and is never changing. God is the One whose name we should be striving to represent at all times, both on and off the court.  

I cannot begin to express how much "The 12th Lamb" baaaaaaasketball team has blessed me this season. As I pulled the team aside after our "loss" tonight, I immediately began sobbing. I could not have asked for a better group of girls to play my last intramural basketball season with. I don't care what the score said, I feel like a winner, because playing with girls who love the Lord and seek to glorify Him through each pass and layup is priceless and a memory that will be engraved in my heart forever. A memory that, to me, is worth much more than an intramural championship. We didn't just play together, we prayed together. These girls understood that the real victory didn't take place on a basketball court. It took place 2,000yrs ago when Jesus Christ gave His life for ransom and died on the cross for our sins so that we may not perish but have eternal life! 

It's one thing to play on a team filled with girls who are as passionate about basketball as you are. However, nothing beats playing on a team with girls who are passionate about the LORD and want to glorify HIM while running (okay...maybe it was a slow jog at times) up and down a basketball court. 

Did we fail at times? You bet we did! However, I've come to learn that if just one person saw Jesus through an opponent's actions on the basketball court, that is all that matters. 

To my team - thank you. Thank you for making me laugh in the middle of the game even though I was already having a hard enough time breathing on my own without the extra wheezing. Thank you for showing up early and staying late. Thank you for giving every ounce of yourself on the court. Thank you for sharing your love of basketball with me. Thank you for walking with beautiful feet, both on and off the court. Thank you for encouraging your teammates at all times, whether we were up by 3pts or down by 37pts. Thank you for playing with me, but most importantly, thank you for PRAYING with me. Thank you for making my last year on "The 12th Lamb" Intramural Baaaaasketball team one I will remember for the rest of my life. I am so proud to call you my teammates, but most importantly, I am proud to call you my sisters in Christ.

We were undefeated after our first game! The other team may or may not have forfeited...but we'll just keep that between us!

Semi-Finals: I would like to give a HUGE shoutout to our "Team Moms" for showing up early and staying late, leading our stretches, helping us warm up and get our heads in the game, creating sideline cheers, and providing post-game snacks! We could not have survived this season without them!

We were blessed with the opportunity to represent Texas A&M in the Lonestar Intramural Showdown at UT! We walked into the gym expecting it to be REC courts. Instead, we found ourselves in their volleyball gym with cameras and broadcasters everywhere. They aired our game on the Longhorn Network...and we got KILLED! Hahahaha!

I got to represent #23 on the court one last time!

You can't visit Austin without taking a picture in front of the "I love you so much" wall! The 12th Lamb loves [basketball] so much! We had these t-shirts made for Austin. If you can't tell, it's a picture of a lamb holding a basketball and it says "The 12th Lamb" at the top with a galaxy background because Hailee is obsessed with outer space.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17

I looked over mid-game to discover our Team Moms and the officers leading our crowd in cheers. There's never a dull moment when they're around, and we could not have done it without them!

Sigma Phi Lambda 2014-2015 Officers: Whether we are sitting on my living room floor or "dogpiling" in the middle of the basketball court, I have always felt loved and supported by these girls, my best friends. I can't imagine life without them.

I'm going to miss these girls more than you know. They haven't just been my teammates the past 3mo...they've been my teammates for the past 3yrs and I can't thank God enough for them! HE HAS TRULY BLESSED ME BEYOND MEASURE! In the words of Mr. Feeny, "I love you all. [Practice] dismissed."

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Life After College: Using Our Time and Talents Well

Today marks exactly one month until I graduate from Texas A&M University (May 16th, 2015 at 2:00PM in case I haven't mentioned it enough already or in case you forgot). Would you like to guess what our final lesson in our "Life After College" Bible study was about? 


As noted in the study, "Our lives are made of time, so the way we spend our time matters immensely. To waste our time and our abilities is a tragedy, one that has consequences for now and for eternity." Although the study is focused on encouraging us soon-to-be graduates to use our time and abilities wisely as we enter into the real world, today's post will touch on the importance of both having used my time well the past 3yrs at Texas A&M, as well as using my time wisely these last 30 days! 

While writing this post, I decided to Google the significance of the number 30! Would you like to know what I discovered? In one particular article, I found that "the number 30 can symbolize dedication to a particular task or calling." After reading and re-reading this statement, I began brainstorming the tasks the Lord has entrusted me while at Texas A&M while looking to tie in tonight's lesson as I strive to finish the semester strong. Below are a few discussion questions we covered. I'm going to note both how I've used my time/talents the past 3yrs and how I can use my time/talents differently the next 30 days:

1)  If you had to give yourself a grade for how well you use your time, what grade would you give yourself? Why?
PART 1: I would give myself a 'B' because, although I feel as if I've made good use of my time the past 3yrs, I know I could (and should) have spent more time with the Lord! After all, you can never spend TOO much time with God! For example, I should have spent time with Him first thing EVERY morning rather than waiting until the afternoon or evening simply because I was too stubborn to wake up an hour earlier. 
PART 2: For the next 30 days, I'm going to try my absolute best to wake up early EVERY SINGLE DAY (whether I feel like it or not) so I can start my day off right! 

2) What talents and abilities do you have that you can use for God's purpose?
PART 1: It is safe to say God has blessed me with a spirit of encouragement! However, it wasn't until I met Mrs. Becky, my college minister, that I realized encouragement is at the core of who I am. I come alive when I'm urging those around me to "seek the sunshine" and look at their circumstances from a positive perspective! My soul bursts with joy and gladness when I'm motivating others to persevere through life's ups and downs, discover their purpose in life, follow their dreams, look on the bright side of every situation, find joy despite their circumstances, etc. 
PART 2: For the next 30 days, I will aim to take advantage of every opportunity to use the abilities God has blessed me with to encourage and motivate those around me. I hope to be a light in the darkness and make a difference at Texas A&M while I still have the chance.

As my college career nears an end, I can't help but reflect on my time at Texas A&M! I can't help but think about the opportunities the Lord has blessed me with (T-Camp Counselor, Howdy Camp Counselor, Small Group Leader, Prayer Committee Head, President, etc.), the friendships I've made and maintained (you know who you are), the lessons I've learned, the memories I've made. By the grace of God, I am able to look back with confidence, contentment, and comfort. 

When I realized it was April 16th, I counted how many days were left until graduation for the first time all year. However, as soon as I finished counting, I felt convicted as I was reminded of the quote, "Don't count the days, make the days count." As you can see, an entire blog post later, it's a little late to not count down the days until I graduate from Texas A&M University. However, it's not too late to ensure I make these last 30 days count! 

I want to read my Bible first thing in the morning.
I want to wake up early and stay up late. 
I want to encourage those around me.
I want to pray circles around my biggest dreams.
I want to make the most of every opportunity.
I want to spend as much time with my best friends as possible.
I want to leave a legacy. 
I want to serve. 
I want to finish the semester strong.
I want to make a difference.
Ultimately, I want to use the time I have left at Texas A&M to glorify God and make disciples of Jesus Christ!

CHALLENGE: I don't know where you are in life right now. I don't know if you're graduating college in a month or if you've been in the real world for 23yrs. Regardless, I would like to challenge you (myself included) to begin using your time wisely if you aren't doing so already. I encourage you to make the most of the opportunities the Lord has given you! Reach out to those around you. Wake up early and read God's word! Pray continuously. Spend time with your loved ones. Serve. Most importantly, recognize that time is the most precious gift we can give and we only have a limited amount of it. Like our talents, time is God's gift to us, and what we do with our time is our gift back to God! What needs to change? 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Giving God the Glory for What REALLY Happened at The Ellen DeGeneres Show

A few months ago, Pastor Jerry shared with us a sermon entitled When the Gospel Speaks. After singing Standing on the Promises, one of my favorite hymns, he reminded the congregation, "It's better to be standing on the promises than sitting on the premises." Regardless of how much or how little we know, each of us has the responsibility as followers of Christ to share the Gospel. The culture we live in today lives for the present "likes" and praise which occur as a result of telling people what they want to hear. God doesn't want us to stick to the status quo! He wants us to shake the dust off and remember that, at the end of the day, knowing God and being a witness to those around us is all that matters. We need to stop living for the present affirmations and remind ourselves that we are striving for the affirmation in Heaven, the "Well done, My good and faithful servant" we as Christians hope to hear when God calls us home. Pastor Jerry concluded his sermon with, "If God gives us something to say, then for God's sake, say it!"

Very few people are aware of the story I'm about to share with you. Aside from my closest friends and family, I had no intention of sharing what REALLY happened in Los Angeles, CA over Christmas break and the events that occurred afterwards. I saw it as MY story and my story ONLY! I thought the more people who knew, the less special it would seem...the less special it would feel. I wanted to wait until my story had a "happy ending" before sharing it with the world (and by "world" I mean the handful of people who actually read my blog posts) but I came to the realization a few months ago, with tears in my eyes and conviction in my heart, I was being selfish. I wasn't giving God the glory He deserves. This is HIS story, NOT mine, and by choosing to not share this story, I was choosing to sit on the premises rather than stand on the promises. 

SIDE NOTE: Notice I said I came to the realization a few months ago...I've known for a few months that this blog post needed to be written but to be honest, I didn't want to write it. I was sitting at Chick-fil-A when I first felt convicted to share this story, so I began writing and the words immediately poured out of me. In just 30min I had most of the story written...but somewhere between starting and finishing the blog post, my pride got in the way and I refused to continue writing it. However, after a LOT of prayer and after reading Praying God's Will for Your Life, one thing became clear: I should be boasting in the Lord and what He has done! That's it. That's all there is to it. This life is solely a test for the next and I should be studying the material God has given me (rather than using Spark Notes or cheat sheets) to ensure I pass it with flying colors. I must warn you, this is a lengthy blog post, but I promise it will be worth it in the end! 

As you know, we were not supposed to be in The Ellen DeGeneres Show's Riff Raff Room. If you're just now joining us, you can visit Los Angeles, CA for more details! We misunderstood how "Day Of" tickets worked and failed to meet the requirements. However, despite our predicament, an Ellen employee showed us both kindness and compassion and, as a result, we were given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be in the Riff Raff Room! The Ellen DeGeneres Show employee didn't have to ask for my name and number, but she did. She didn't have to call us and give us tickets for the Riff Raff Room, but she did. If you watch the show, you know Ellen ends every episode, "Be kind to one another. Bye, bye!" We witnessed firsthand that kindness Ellen speaks of every single day. We were blown away by the love we received and, if it's even possible, we left that day loving Ellen even more than before. We were given the opportunity to be in the Riff Raff Room (against all odds) and it was, hands down, the best day of our lives! To this day I wonder why God let everything happen the way it did. Again, as you read along, may you know this story is NOT about me. It's about God. It's about His faithfulness, His timing, trusting Him with EVERY detail of our lives, and how, when God is in charge, anything is possible. I pray you find yourselves encouraged by this story! 

SIDE NOTE: Out of respect for The Ellen DeGeneres Show and because I don't want to spoil anything, I won't be sharing EVERY detail of the story!

What I didn't tell you is that while waiting to go inside, we were approached by a guy who works for The Ellen DeGeneres Show. He asked us to meet him outside where 30ppl were gathered. He then split the group in half, sending half back to their seats and the other half to a Bungalow tree...and we were sent to the tree! There were nearly 400ppl at The Ellen DeGeneres Show and we were pulled aside with a group of 30ppl, and then narrowed down to an even smaller group of 15ppl. Well, after the show ended, the three of us were pulled aside from the same guy! He said he had a few more questions for us. We answered as best we could! Again, let me remind you, the ratio went from nearly 400ppl, to 30ppl, to 15ppl, to 3ppl. To say we had no idea what was going on is an understatement! We were clueless, speechless! We went from NOT BEING ELIGIBLE to see the show, to getting pulled aside and asked multiple questions by someone who works for the show who was genuinely interested in us! He ended the conversation by asking if he could give us a call to follow up with a few more questions so naturally we squealed, "YES!!!!!!!!!" We didn't know when he would call, or if he'd even call for that matter, but we left with grateful hearts. We couldn't wrap our minds around that day's occurrences! 

What was God doing!?
Why did we get pulled aside and not anybody else!? 
Is this really happening!?
Check my pulse! Am I breathing!? 

Well, as you know, we found ourselves at Warner Brothers Studio the next day! We didn't know when he'd call (again, or IF he'd even call...not because we thought he was lying but because realistically, this kind of stuff doesn't just happen so we weren't expecting anything) but Madison encouraged us to keep our phones on loud just in we did! Well, to once again prove God's timing is perfect, we were at Warner Brothers Studio from 9:00AM-4:30PM and didn't receive a call! When we finished at WBS, we walked across the street to the souvenir shop to buy our Friends apparel. We were only in the store for a few minutes when my phone started ringing. IT WAS HIM! He asked if it was an okay time for me to talk so naturally I responded, "OF COURSE! I have all the time in the world to talk to you!" I spoke with him for about 30min or so. He asked me a lot of questions, and during the conversation, I had the opportunity to tell him why/how Ellen DeGeneres inspires me. In doing so, I was able to share my dreams and ambitions with him! If you don't already know, I dream of being a talk show host. I want to change the world. I want to inspire those around me to "seek the sunshine" and find joy despite their circumstances, and I hope to encourage everyone to, "Give a stranger a smile [because] it may be the only sunshine he sees all day!" After I shared my heart with him, he said he had one more question for me. He asked, "What would you do if there was a one-in-a-billion chance Ellen DeGeneres called you on the phone?" I IMMEDIATELY STARTED BAWLING AT JUST THE THOUGHT OF ANSWERING A PHONE CALL WHERE ELLEN DEGENERES WAS ON THE OTHER END OF THE LINE! Sobbing, I told him I would cry my eyes out...which I *think* (wink, wink) he found believable. Before hanging up, he informed me that another employee may call to ask further questions. I thanked him once more and we hung up! After sharing what happened with Rylea and Madi (who were taking pictures of me sobbing the entire time), I realized how at peace I was about the situation. I was excited, but calm. I had no idea what was going on, but that was okay. I was content and grateful for all that had happened thus far, as God had already done more than anything I could have asked for or dreamed of. The Ellen employee was as nice on the phone as he was in person and it was a blessing simply talking with him! I WAS/AM SO GRATEFUL!

By the time I finished updating Madi and Rylea on our conversation, it was nearly 5:30PM! We didn't know whether we should leave WBS and head back to the hotel or if we should stay in the area...just in case! After contemplating what would be best, we decided we would stay near WBS, find a place to charge our phones, and simply reflect on everything God had done that day. We walked a few blocks to a coffee shop and started calling our moms while we sat by an outlet and charged our phones. We hadn't been in there but a little while when my phone started ringing again. IT WAS HIM! He asked if he could talk to Madi and Rylea, so they took turns talking to him on the phone as he asked them questions! We were, once again, left speechless. There were no words. The only words we could get out were, "God is so good. Wow. Oh my. Wow...what? What on earth? Wow. What is happening?"

A few weeks went by. Christmas break ended, school began. I had just gotten home from working out (new year, new me) and was in the middle of washing my hands when my phone started ringing and The Ellen DeGeneres Show appeared on the screen. WHAT!?!? I immediately dried my hands and shakily picked up the phone! It was another employee who said she had a few more questions for me! I answered her questions to the best of my ability and we talked on the phone for about 30min! It was as if I were talking to a friend! She was so friendly, encouraging, and helpful. I was able to share my dreams with her, just as I had done before, while explaining to her why Ellen inspires me! Not once did she laugh or scoff at my dreams. In fact, she did the total opposite! SHE GAVE ME ADVICE! SHE ENCOURAGED ME! She said, "I believe you should ABSOLUTELY follow your dreams! Do whatever it takes until they come true. No matter what anybody else tells you, if you believe in yourself, you can make anything happen." I hung up and cried...go figure! I was blown away by the conversation. I felt like I had just finished talking to an old friend! I laid on my bed and cried out of gratefulness. I had now shared my dreams with someone who worked for The Ellen DeGeneres Show twice (technically 3X because I wrote it down on the survey they gave us before the show started) and, on top of that, received advice as I pursue my dreams and prepare for the next chapter of my life! I was blessed with yet another encouraging conversation with someone who works for The Ellen DeGeneres Show!

...and that's it! That's where it ends!

The Point:
I was acting selfishly when I chose to keep this story between myself and a handful of other individuals! THIS IS NOT MY STORY! I did NOTHING to deserve this, and I do NOT deserve this! Every single event that has taken place was orchestrated by God, as there is no earthly way possible for the ratio to go from nearly 400ppl (out of the millions who apply for tickets), to 30ppl, to 15ppl, to 3ppl, to 1 individual...and on top of that, I know it's not every day you have the opportunity to share your heart's deepest desires with someone who works for the woman (THE Ellen DeGeneres) whose job you dream of having one day! ONLY GOD COULD HAVE ARRANGED THIS! This experience is solely an illustration of God's grace, and this story is too good not to share! God gave me something to say, and for His sake, I needed to share it to ensure He was most glorified. He didn't have to let me experience this, but He did...and because He did, I witnessed His faithfulness on a whole new level. I've always been able to see His hand at work, but I have never experienced it to this extent. For the first time in my life, I was left speechless (for those of you who know me, you know how big of a deal this is). I couldn't talk. I could hardly catch my breath. I couldn't believe what God had arranged, and I still can't believe it! We went from not meeting the "Day Of" ticket requirements, to getting into the Riff Raff Room, to getting pulled aside, to talking on the phone with an Ellen Show employee TWICE, to sharing my dreams of being a talk show host with Ellen Show employees 3X, to being asked, "What would you do if there was a one-in-a-billion chance Ellen DeGeneres called you on the phone?" This experience has done nothing but reassure me of my hopes and "God-sized" dreams, as it has reminded me that NOTHING is impossible with God! 

I PRAY THIS STORY ENCOURAGES YOU AS MUCH AS IT HAS ENCOURAGED ME! I pray you know and understand God's faithfulness to His children! I pray you know He has no limitations. WE SERVE A GOD WHO KNOWS NO LIMITS! If you take anything away from this story, may you know God's power is at work in your life and that God doesn't need us to make things happen. As Ephesians 3:20 says, God can do "immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us." 

The Lesson:
I am going to be completely honest with you. Although I was/am grateful for everything that happened with The Ellen DeGeneres Show, I found myself frustrated with God. I didn't/don't (and probably won't) understand why God allowed those events to unfold. Wasn't I trusting Him? Wasn't I trusting His will for my life? Hadn't I placed my dreams into His hands? Why did He allow this to happen if nothing was going to come of it? What's the point?

As I mentioned earlier, God used Praying God's Will for Your Life to remind me of something I had forgotten: "Often the desires of your heart are the desires of His heart, but they still must be achieved His way, not yours, and you must know that it is He who is accomplishing them in you, not you achieving them yourself."

I love the song Oceans by Hillsong United. In it, one of the lines reads, "Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters wherever You would call me." While listening to this song the other day, suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks. Here I am asking God to "lead me where my trust is without borders" all the while ignoring the opportunity He has presented me! I've been saying, "I'm putting my dreams in Your hands, God, but I want it to work out like this, not that. Okay?" Just as Stormie Omartian mentions in Praying God's Will for Your Life, "[I] have to trust that God has [my] best interests in mind and be willing to do what He asks of [me], even if [I] don't understand why at the time." As much as I'd like to say I've heard back from The Ellen DeGeneres Show, I haven't and I most likely will not...but that's A-OK because this experience, through much frustration and confusion, deepened my relationship with God as I experienced His faithfulness on a whole new level. There are 1,000+ ways for Him to get me to my purpose, whatever it may be, and I am called to trust him 100% with even my biggest dreams! This situation has opened my eyes to a whole knew meaning of trust and what it means to trust God with EVERYTHING, EVEN WHEN I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT! Although it took me a few months, I finally realized that if the only reason God allowed this to happen was to ensure I mean what I say when I sing, "Spirit lead me where my trust is WITHOUT borders" then that is all that matters because "God's ultimate goal for [our] life on earth is not comfort, but character development. He wants [us] to grow spiritually and become like Christ." 

We're called to become better, not bitter! God knows what is best for you and for me. As Rick Warren mentions in Purpose Driven Life, we're called to "give thanks 'in all circumstances' not 'for all circumstances'" because "no matter what's happening, [we] can rejoice in God's love, care, wisdom, power, and faithfulness." 

CHALLENGE: If you're facing a situation that has brought you much confusion or frustration, don't do what I did at first. Don't allow yourself to get mad at God. Instead, ask Him what He's trying to teach you. Find the lesson. Trust God. 

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Survivor by Destiny's Child

Every college student I know is burnt out from school, including myself. Graduation is just around the corner and it seems like time is dragging on! We're struggling. We've lost all motivation.
I wanted to make this silly music video to encourage my classmates/friends to finish the semester strong! In a not-so-serious way, we're preparing ourselves both physically and mentally for the days ahead in hopes of taking advantage of the limited time we have in college! 
I'm so thankful for friends who willingly walk around campus dressed for battle with happy hearts and joyful attitudes! 

As hard as it is, WE WILL SURVIVE!