Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Sound of Music

I love The Sound of Music for a variety of reasons. There are a few reasons in particular, however, that this 1965 film musical captured my heart long ago and has remained my favorite musical/movie unto this day. 

The movie centers around Maria von Trapp who desires "to find out what is the will of God and do it wholeheartedly." Like all major life changes, Maria has a hard time accepting God's will at first and, when talking to Revered Mother about the Abbey, she proclaims the Abbey "is where [she] belongs. It's [her] home, [her] family. It's [her] life." It is then that Reverend Mother reminds her, "If you go out into the world for a time, knowing what we expect of will find out if you can expect it for yourself." Maria finds encouragement in this and responds, "I know what you expect, Mother, and I can do it! I promise I can!" 

I believe God created each of us with a specific purpose in mind and, like Maria, my heart's deepest desire is to discover God's will for my life. As my "About Me" reads, my aim is to take the desires that overflow from the depths of my heart (encouraging others, being a positive influence, reaching out, looking on the bright side of every situation, etc.) and put them to work so that I may "glorify God and make disciples of Jesus Christ" as I progress through life's ups and downs and follow my dreams! Just as Maria had to leave the Abbey in order to discover what God had in store for her life, I know I'll have to leave the comfort of my home if I'm serious about chasing my dreams...and I've never been more serious about something in my life! Maria knows what her loved ones expect of her and she believes she can do it! I do, too!

In her song I Have Confidence, Maria finds herself scared even though she's "always longed for adventure, to do the things [she's] never dared." Instead of dwelling on her doubts and worries, she decides to "show them [she's] worthy and while [she shows] them, [she'll] show [herself]." In the same way, I long for adventure. I long to change the world. I long to take chances, to take a leap of faith, to fly (figuratively speaking, of course...let's be honest, I can't even roller skate). Although I long to leave what's comfortable for what's uncomfortable, I'm scared. I'm scared of leaving a small town where I know everybody and moving to a major city where I know nobody. But just as Maria has confidence in herself, I am confident in both myself and God's faithfulness. Nothing is impossible with God. 

Reverend Mother sings Climb Every Mountain when Maria runs away to the Abbey. She wants Maria to "search high and low" until she finds what it is that makes her come alive! The lyrics are as follows:

Climb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every byway,
Every path you know.

Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
'Till you find your dream.

A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life
For as long as you live.

This is, by far, my favorite song in The Sound of Music. I am willing to do whatever it takes to find my dream, and when I find it, I'm not letting it go. 

After watching the musical two nights in a row last week, I thought it necessary to share my love of The Sound of Music. Mind you, this movie is so long it requires an "Intermission" halfway through and I watched it...twice! Graduating in May, Maria's journey has become much more real to me. This movie can change your life if you let it, as it encourages (us) viewers to seek God's will for our lives, sing, have confidence in ourselves, trust God, have faith, and follow every rainbow until we find our dream! It has inspired me for as long as I can remember and I pray it inspires you, too! May you know that God created you with a purpose in mind, He has a plan for your life! May your heart be blessed with the sound of music! May you be confident in yourself! May you have faith and trust that with God, all things are possible, and may you follow your dreams and discover God's will for your life!

"Maria, these walls were not meant to shut out problems. You have to face them. You have to live the life you were born to live."

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