Friday, August 14, 2015

Why I Deleted My Instagram App


We live in a world that revolves around posting minute-by-minute tweets, hourly Facebook statuses, and daily Instagram photos. 

Now, before I continue, I don't think using these websites is a bad thing. I have all three! I also don't think posting said updates is a bad thing! *insert sigh of relief here* I do, however, think we need to constantly check our motives behind the use of our social media accounts to ensure we are using and updating them for the right reasons.

I enjoy social media for many reasons. 

I love Instagram because people use pictures to tell a story, their story. You receive a tiny glimpse into their lives through these creative photos, and oftentimes a glimpse into their hearts. You visually see the people and places that bring them the utmost joy.
I love Facebook because it's a great way to keep in touch with the people you don't necessarily get to see or talk to often but still care about. 
I love Twitter because it is a simple way to connect with those around you. Most Twitter users have a theme, a specific purpose behind their account, and their tweets (give or take a few tweets, of course) reflect that purpose. 

These are three great ways to communicate with those around us and I love communicating.

However, a few weeks ago, I decided it was best that I delete my Instagram app for a while. I felt convicted because I realized I was no longer using it for the reasons mentioned above and I never want that to be the case. I had begun feeling overwhelmed simply because I wasn't sticking to the status quo. I hadn't posted a #tbt or #TransformationTuesday picture in WEEKS. In fact, several days had gone by since I had posted at all. I would beat myself up (yes, you read that correctly and yes, I'm embarrassed to admit that) for not having a daily photo to post when everybody else seemed to be on top of their Instagram game. I could not stop comparing myself to my fellow Instagram users. I only wanted to post a photo to ensure I was "keeping up" with other people rather than for the purpose behind my account - to bring joy to viewers. 

So, I decided to delete the app for a while. 

I truly believe social media is a blessing. However, when we begin comparing ourselves to others and posting solely to keep up with the status quo (especially when it comes to Instagram), I think it's important that we take a step back and redirect our focus to the reason behind our account. "Am I posting this because it's Thursday and I feel obligated, or am I posting this in hopes of making just one person's day shine a little brighter?" 

I plan on downloading the Instagram app again, but not until I am 100% sure I can use it without comparing myself to others. 

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