Since reading that, I've been asking myself, "What do I need to hear right now? What is something we ALL need to hear?" Two things came to mind. I tried to put it off but I know I won't be able to go to sleep until I write if it's not my best work, forgive me because it's 2:30AM while I'm writing this and my eyes burn.
The things I need to hear are often the same things I've heard a thousand times. I just forget and need to be reminded.
I figured you did, too, so here are two things I needed to hear this weekend, two things we all need to be reminded of every once in a while:
1) You are not your past.
The person you were 8 months ago, 8 weeks ago, or 8 days ago is not the person you are today. Your mistakes don't define you because you have redemption through Jesus Christ and that redemption frees you from guilt. It frees you from your past. It frees you from your sin.
You are forgiven.
You are loved.
You are saved.
He is faithful and just, and when we confess our "mess-ups" and sins to Him, He cleanses us from all unrighteousness. HE BLOTS OUT OUR TRANSGRESSIONS!
We may not always be forgiven by others here on earth, but we are ALREADY forgiven by our Father in Heaven because of the blood Jesus shed for us on the cross.
2) "You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches."
You will not be liked by everyone. In fact, you will be hated by some. Did you "recovering people-pleasers" cringe when I said that?
It's true, though.
Peach-haters are just a big ol' fact of life...and how do we handle those big ol' facts of life? By making peach pie, drinking peach tea, and eating peach cobbler.
Hopefully you've caught on by now and know I'm not actually talking about peaches.
I'm talking about cranberries.
I'm kidding again. Don't sign me up for a comedy tour just yet.
Basically what I'm trying to say is...don't ever stop being the person you are. Even if you're called fake, even if people try to make you feel you're not good enough, even if people seem to go out of their way to hurt you. Don't change for anybody. Unless we're talking about clothes and you "got the hummus" like Phoebe did on Friends.
In that case, by all means, change your clothes.
In that case, by all means, change your clothes.

Never stop smiling.
Keep being kind.
Stay true to yourself.
Be confident in the person you are.
If you know who you are, whose you are, and where you stand, nothing and nobody can you knock you down.
God will provide the people you need if He hasn't already...people who will love you, support you, guide you, listen to you, encourage you, etc. no matter what comes your way. Together, you will weather life's toughest storms. These are the only people you need in your close-knit circle. They are your "tribe" (as Jen Hatmaker calls it) or your "squad" (as Taylor Swift calls it).
Keep being kind.
Stay true to yourself.
Be confident in the person you are.
If you know who you are, whose you are, and where you stand, nothing and nobody can you knock you down.
God will provide the people you need if He hasn't already...people who will love you, support you, guide you, listen to you, encourage you, etc. no matter what comes your way. Together, you will weather life's toughest storms. These are the only people you need in your close-knit circle. They are your "tribe" (as Jen Hatmaker calls it) or your "squad" (as Taylor Swift calls it).
You may lose a few and add a few throughout the years, and that's okay. That, too, is a big ol' fact of life. People will try to make you feel guilty about it. Don't let them. You may find yourself questioning the decision down the road. Trust yourself and know that you did it for a reason, even if it's hard to remember that reason at times...even if nobody else understands that reasoning.
I don't have a cool name for my team/tribe/squad/gang/crew, but I love them and I am so very thankful for them. You know who you are!
The weekend was good to me. I had a lot of time to think and reflect.
Life is hard and it's easy to forget what's important to remember. I had forgotten. I honestly had...and I know I'm not alone. I don't know who else besides me needed to hear this today but I pray you find yourself encouraged.
Enjoy your Monday, friends!
This is something I needed to read. #1 always gets me. And #2 as well, but I'm learning the older I get to not worry about pleasing everyone (it's sooo hard). Thank you for writing this! XOXO Jenn
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry, Jen! I am just now seeing your comment for some reason! Thank you for always reading my posts and for commenting! Love you so much!