Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Your Interests Don't Define Your Intelligence

I came across an article the other day written by a Journalism major. Paige DiFiore was fighting to remind society, "Every major has value and requires some form of intelligence - never let anyone make you think otherwise. Nothing says smart like fighting for your dreams and following your passions." 

I absolutely love that.

Having graduated with a degree in Communication and minor in English, this is not foreign to me. I've carefully observed the expressions on people's faces change to a subtle look of disappointment after announcing that I was a Communication major.

"Oh, so you talk for a living? Doesn't everybody do that?"

The sarcastic side of me wanted to say, "ACTUALLY, NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT, I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M EVEN IN COLLEGE. WHAT A WASTE OF TIME! You'll have to excuse me, I need to go make an appointment with Dean of Admissions. I NEED MY TUITION BACK!"

Instead, I tried to smile and take the comment as lightly as possible...but to be honest, it hurt knowing that others saw my major and passion as a waste of time and not worth dedicating four years of my life to.

And you know what else?

I'm guilty of believing them.

I've made "digs" at my own intelligence because time and time again, others have given the impression that "talking for a living" is not enough...that my passions are not enough, my dreams are not enough, my gifts and talents are not enough, I am not enough.

And I know I'm not the only one who has ever felt this way.

DiFiore reminds us, "[Our] major says nothing about [our] intelligence - it says something about [our] passions."

There is a famous quote by Howard Thurman that says, "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Never allow yourself to feel inferior to others because you're following your dreams and pursuing what you're most passionate about. 

Your passions ARE enough. Your dreams ARE enough. The gifts and talents you have ARE enough.


Don't belittle the person God made you to be.

You were intricately made.

God spent the same amount of time dousing you with a passion for writing, speaking, teaching, etc. as he did dousing others with a passion for healing, building, and problem-solving.

All are important. All are needed.

If you are using the gifts God has given you for the benefit of others, that, to me, makes you a raving success.

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