Monday, September 21, 2015

Reading the Whole Bible

After nearly 3 years, I have officially finished reading the entire Bible! 

It was, by far, one of the most challenging things I have ever endured but it has also been the most rewarding! Although "[Reading] the Bible Cover to Cover" WAS on my Bucket List, it was NOT a goal I wanted to simply check off. I added it to my Bucket List because I knew that, by writing it down, I was making it a priority. As Mark Batterson says in The Circle Maker, "If you haven't written down your goals, you haven't really set them." 

I wanted to read the whole Bible because I wanted to understand the Bible as a whole. 

Having grown up in the church, I was familiar with many of the stories in the Bible simply because I had heard them my entire life.

Adam and Eve
Noah and the Ark
David and Goliath
Daniel and the Lion's Den
Moses' Journey to the Promised Land
Jonah and the Whale
Samson and Delilah
Joseph's Coat of Many Colors

In fact, I could sing songs about many of these stories! From Cherub Choir, to Angelus Choir, to Bethlehem Choir, to Wesley Singers, to Youth Choir, I've participated in my fair share of church musicals. 

"Ohhhh, the tale of the whale is a whale of a tale! It's the story of the deep blue sea, about a fish and a man named Jonah who was a lot like you and me!" - Oh, Jonah!

"Samson, cut your hair! You want to be with it but you’re really square! Be guided by this golden rule: at your age, man, you should play it cool!" - Swingin' Samson 

"A technicolor promise painted in the sky, seven lovely colors pleasing to the eye. Glowing with a sparkle that fills the earth with light! Shining after every rain, a banner true and bright! A technicolor promise - RED! ORANGE! YELLOW! GREEN! BLUE! INDIGO! VIOLET! *waves pom-poms* AHHHHHH!" - A Technicolor Promise

As I got older, I gained an appreciation for context. Although I could tell (and sing) stories of the Bible, I wanted to understand their significance and how they played into the big scheme of things. In other words, I didn't really know the stories or why they were being told. 

I only knew the bits and pieces I'd learned in Sunday School. I didn't understand how it all fit together.

I wanted to know how the Old Testament related to the New Testament.

I wanted to know the context, the backstory, what was going on before/after major events.

I wanted to discuss stories in the Bible I'd read, not simply stories I'd been told

I wanted to know what I believed and why I believed it. 

Throughout the past 5yrs, I restarted my "end to end" expedition at least five times!

I tried reading it chronologically. 
I tried reading it historically. 
I tried reading the Old Testament first.
I tried reading the New Testament first.

I restarted (again) two Christmases ago and was finally able to stick with it. Here's what I did and what helped me: 

1) I got a new Bible! I did this for two reasons.
First, the print in my old Bible was too small and reading it would give me headaches/make me not want to read altogether. 
Second, I was using the ESV (English Standard Version) Bible I'd received in the 3rd grade that I couldn't understand very well.

For Christmas, I picked out a Large Print NIV Bible (I researched the most popular translation) and fell in love with it! I can actually see what I'm reading AND I can understand it! Well...for the most part! *wink, wink*

2) I downloaded a "Reading Plan" app so I could track my reading! 
This app allows you to pick out your desired reading plan, check off chapters after you've read them, and track your progress as you go. Being able to see the percentage I'd read thus far helped me persevere when I felt like giving up.

3) I started in the New Testament. 
The Old Testament is very (extremely, immensely, tremendously) hard to read/understand at times and I found that every time I tried to start in the Old Testament, I would get frustrated and quit. So, I read the New Testament first.

ADVICE: Do not (I REPEAT: DO NOT) put off reading 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, and 2 Chronicles for last like I did. With that being said, you should probably know that I skimmed through the genealogy and the preparations for building the temple. I'm sorry. I really am. I was just...I'M SORRY! 

"Forgive me, Father, for I have skimmed."

4) I highlighted as I went. 
I began color-coding scripture at the beginning of the year to help with my studying. This helped me break apart what I was reading! Check out my post Hooked on Highlighting to see my method of highlighting! 

Although there is much (much, much, much, MUCH) I still do not know or understand, reading the Bible in its entirety helped me connect dots I didn't even know existed. For me personally, it's a lot "easier" to study a certain passage now that I am (for the most part) aware of what has happened/is about to happen.

The important thing to remember is this: It doesn't matter if you've read the Bible cover to cover fifty times or zero times. What matters is that you're reading it. Figure out what you believe and why you believe it. Take time to get to know His person, His will, and His ways. The Bible is the most important book ever written. It is God's "love letter" to us, to YOU! Prayerfully study it and let the Word change you! Be transformed. 

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