Thursday, September 17, 2015

Website Coming Soon

In my recent post Grateful for God's Grace, I announced that I will be pursuing public speaking and that my friend was in the process of creating a website for me! 

With that being said, I have some exciting news! 


Everyone, meet Surprise Party Sue. If you haven't watched any of these videos performed by Kristen Wiig on Saturday Night Live, do it. You will be a better person because of it.
FUN FACT: A few years ago, I had the honor of playing this role for a skit at T-Camp. I now have a better appreciation for finger exercises. 
Two words: HAND CRAMPS

In his book Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World, Michael Hyatt notes that a website "is undoubtedly the single most important branding tool you can have." 

This website will be my first step towards developing a platform! It will be my "home base" where anyone can access video clips of my speeches, my blog, links to my social media pages, and eventually podcasts and my YouTube channel!

You may be wondering how I will manage having two separate locations for my blog. 

Easy shmeezy - I won't! 

When my website is finished, you will only be able to access my blog through my websiteI will be switching from Blogger to WordPress, so the layout will change, too! Despite these minor changes, the heart and soul behind my blog will remain the same: to encourage you on your journey and walk with the Lord, as we "seek the sunshine" together and look for God's hand in every situation we face! 

No need to fret! I will take good care of you guys and provide all the information you need the closer it gets. I simply wanted to give you a heads up so you wouldn't be blindsided...PLUS I couldn't hold it in any longer! I'M SO EXCITED! The official countdown for the launch of my website will begin soon! 

Have a happy, happy Thursday, friends!  

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