Sunday, January 24, 2016

Welcome to My Website

MY WEBSITE LAUNCHES ON TUESDAY (or tomorrow, depending on when you read this)! 

And guess what!? 

I wanted YOU, my readers, to be the first to see it! YOU CAN'T TELL OR SHOW ANYBODY, THOUGH! This is top secret stuff so before we continue, I'm going to need you to raise your right hand and repeat the following phrase: 

"I, (insert name here), solemnly swear to not show ANYBODY Kristin's new website because it does not launch publicly until Tuesday, January 26th. This is for MY EYES and MY EYES ONLY. I am one of the Chosen Ones. Although there would "technically" be no consequences if I were to fail to keep this promise (unless I am one of Kristin's friends...she might make me watch Simon Birch), it is my duty as a human being to withhold honesty, just as my forefathers did before me."

Thank you. You may now lower your hand and continue reading!

This is my way of expressing my appreciation to you. I cannot tell you how much your loyalty means to me! I wouldn't be where I am today without you. I'M SERIOUS! Some of you have been with me since the very beginning (Mom); some of you joined along the way. Regardless of when you started tagging along, I want you to know I'm so glad you did. You are so important to me and I'm so thankful for you.  

When I was a junior in high school, we played basketball at a school called All Saints. Upon arrival, we walked through the doors and were immediately greeted by an upbeat, zealous woman who began directing my teammates and I to the locker room like one would direct cars at a traffic stop. Silently giggling, we observed the woman bounce gleefully up a flight of stairs without losing a single ounce of momentum, all the while shouting, “Welcome! Welcome, welcome, WELCOME! Welcome! Welcome, WELCOME!”

If you’ve ever seen She’s the Man, we deemed it equivalent to the “Welcome to Illyria” ballad Principal Gold graced Viola Hastings with after transferring high schools.

As you navigate through my website, I hope you are able to envision the scenario mentioned above because that’s how excited I am!

There are not enough “welcomes” in the world to fully express how happy and grateful I am to have you visiting my website!

My website was designed by my precious friend and Phi Lamb sister, Ashton! I cannot tell you how appreciative I am for all she has done for me these last few months! She has worked ridiculously hard to get my website just right and pleasing to the public (and my OCD) eye. SHE’S A LIFE-SAVER, A GEM, A BLESSING! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY WEBSITE AND I COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT HER! Seriously. This was all her, you guys!

In his book, Love Does, Bob Goff notes:
I’ve learned that God sometimes allows us to find ourselves in a place where we want something so bad that we can’t see past it…when we want something that bad, it’s easy to mistake what we truly need for the thing we really want…all along, what God really wants for us is something much different, something more tailored to us.

12 months ago, I thought I’d be somewhere I’m not. I thought I’d be mopping floors or waiting tables in Los Angeles, attempting to slowly work my way up in the entertainment industry. Instead, I’m launching a website and pursuing public speaking! I wanted so badly to move to Los Angeles, but learned, in time, that wasn’t what I truly needed. As it turns out, God had something much different in mind, something more tailored to me.

There’s a poem called Everything I Needed and the final line reads, “I received nothing I wanted; I received everything I needed.”

I’m so thankful God didn’t give me what I thought I wanted. I can’t imagine being anywhere but here! I’m doing what I absolutely LOVE, what I’ve always been most passionate about – encouraging and motivating others through public speaking! 

Plan A turned into Plan B, which eventually turned into Plan C…but, let’s be honest, my tentative schedule didn’t stand a chance against God’s timetable!

I’ve learned God writes “TBD, My child” in fine print below each of our plans that’s not visible to the naked eye. We may not be able to see it but, believe me, it’s there…and the sooner we realize this, the sooner we are able to embrace all He has for us! Although I have NO IDEA what lies ahead, I know God is already there, patiently waiting with open arms.

In Jen Hatmaker’s new book, For the Love, there’s a chapter called “Run Your Race” and in it, she says:
Stop minimizing what you are good at and throw yourself into it with no apologies. Do you know who will do this for you? No one. You are it. Don’t bury your talent, because the only thing fear yields is one dormant gift in a shallow grave. How many trot out that tired cliche — “I’m waiting for God to open a door” — and He is all, “I love you, but get going, pumpkin, because usually chasing the dream in your heart looks surprisingly like work. Don’t just stand there, bust a move.” (God often sounds like Young MC).

This website is me busting a move, y’all, and I hope you’ll join me for the dance!

I will no longer be using this Blogger profile which means you will ONLY be able to access my blog through my WEBSITE! I have switched from Blogger to WordPress, so you'll notice the layout has changed...BUT DON'T FRET, FRIENDS, IT'S STILL ME! Remember, same blog, different location. 

Once you get to my website, feel free to subscribe to my newsletter to make sure you never miss a blog post! *halo face*

Now, in the words of Rachel from Friends:

Friday, January 8, 2016

Don't Doubt Your Doodles

I thought it was time I updated you on my journey!

When I first started my blog the summer of 2013, I spent a lot of time thinking of the title. Although I could have easily changed it down the road if I ever wanted to, I wanted the title to be perfect. I wanted it to be one I would stick with for the rest of my blogging life. 

After spending a few weeks brainstorming, it hit me:

Seeking the Sunshine

I chose this title/theme because I am a natural optimist. Although I am fully aware that life is not always rainbows and butterflies, I make it a point to look on the bright side of every situation and see circumstances from an eternal perspective...which is why Romans 8:28 is my life verse! It serves as a constant reminder that God works for our good in every situation we face, that good being us becoming more like Christ. 

My prayer and ultimate purpose behind my blog was (and still is) to encourage my readers to dream big and rely on the Lord wholeheartedly as we weather life's storms, together.

For the past three years, I've doodled what I imagined my logo would look like if I ever had one. I found myself drawing it everywhere. I drew it throughout my calendar, on the Simmons' kitchen windows (don't worry, I used window markers), and magnetic doodle boards while babysitting. It was constantly on the back of my mind. 

I had no idea those three words would become the soundtrack to my life. 

Seriously, though. Never in my life did I think the blog I started 3 years ago just for fun would play such a vital role on this journey as I set out to follow my dreams.

In fact, I had no idea I'd actually have a logo. It was just something I thought of and daydreamed about. 

Yet, by God's grace, here I am.

In my last post, I mentioned, "We can't trust God while having tunnel-vision. If we are serious about fully putting our trust in the Lord and His plans for our lives, we must be flexible and willing to let go of what we THINK is best for us and embrace what God KNOWS is best for us."

We think there is only one way for God to get us where we're going. 

There's not. 

Trusting God means trusting His plans, even when we cannot see. That's what faith is...walking into the unknown with our all-knowing Father.

The watercolor sun was painted by Linny, my high school art teacher, and my friend's husband, Jake, put it all together and designed the logo for me. I COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT THEM! Seriously...I'm like "a blind pig trying to find an acorn" (new metaphor I learned) when it comes to technology, painting, watercolors, graphic design, and photoshop! They used their gifts and talents (and their time...the best gift of all *cue tears of joy*) to help bring my ideas to life and I am so, so very thankful for them.

So, without further adieu, I introduce to you the official logo for Seeking the Sunshine:

My mission is to encourage others to have faith, live purposefully, and be a light in the darkness.

This logo represents my brand, Seeking the Sunshine! It will appear on my website, Facebook business page, Twitter, and business cards (THAT I ORDERED THE OTHER DAY AND AM REALLY, REALLY EXCITED ABOUT)! 

I HOPE YOU LIKE IT...mostly because I just ordered 500 business cards (for $20 from my new BFF, VistaPrint) with my logo on it. 

Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be where I am.


The path I've been walking these last 6 months is NOTHING like I thought it would be. 

IT'S BETTER!!!!!!!!!


Be flexible and don't doubt your doodles, y'all. 

P.S. - I'LL BE LAUNCHING MY WEBSITE WITHIN THE NEXT 2-3 WEEKS! As you know, it was originally going to launch in October, but sometimes life happens and we experience hangups...and that is A-OK! There is purpose in the wait! I will keep you updated! 


Saturday, January 2, 2016

What I Discovered in 2015

There's a quote that says, "Discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes." 

As my mom reminded me the other day, the older I get, the more I will begin seeing things (my circumstances, friendships, etc.) with new eyes. Although my vision will never be 20/20, it gets clearer as each new year passes. 

With that being said, if I had to choose one word to describe 2015, it would be discovery. So, here's what I discovered this past year about myself, God's character, my circumstances, the opportunities I received, and the challenges I faced!

1. God is not limited by our location. I don't have to move to Los Angeles in order to follow my dreams. I serve a God who is capable of doing far more than anything I could ever ask for or imagine, and He has proven that to me time and time again.

2. There is freedom in letting go of the people and things that weigh us down. Sometimes, it's okay to be selfish. We cannot keep pulling ourselves apart for the sake of other people's happiness. Our happiness matters, too. 

3. It's okay to move home after you graduate college. It's not embarrassing and it doesn't mean you've failed. 

4. Just because your path looks different than somebody else's does NOT mean your path is wrong. There are a thousand different ways for God to get us to our purpose. We take different paths and learn different lessons because we are being shaped for different purposes. 

5. We are not doormats. People can only wipe their feet on us for so long before the welcome wears off. The peephole is there for a reason! We must use it wisely before letting just anyone in. 

6. God will not teach us a lesson without presenting us with an opportunity to apply what we've learned. We were created to become like Christ. Every challenge we face is an opportunity for growth.

7. It's never too late to try and make things right. As imperfect people, we will not always do the right thing right away. Although we cannot change what happened, we can make things right by admitting our mistakes and correcting our wrongdoings no matter how much time has passed. 

8. We cannot expect anything to be handed to us. We must be willing to fight for what we want and prove day-in and day-out that our dreams and goals mean something to us.

9. "God remains faithful, even when we are faithless." His character and love for us never changes. 

10. We can't trust God while having tunnel-vision. If we are serious about fully putting our trust in the Lord and His plans for our lives, we must be flexible and willing to let go of what we THINK is best for us and embrace what God KNOWS is best for us. 

Happy New Year!