Saturday, January 2, 2016

What I Discovered in 2015

There's a quote that says, "Discovery consists not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes." 

As my mom reminded me the other day, the older I get, the more I will begin seeing things (my circumstances, friendships, etc.) with new eyes. Although my vision will never be 20/20, it gets clearer as each new year passes. 

With that being said, if I had to choose one word to describe 2015, it would be discovery. So, here's what I discovered this past year about myself, God's character, my circumstances, the opportunities I received, and the challenges I faced!

1. God is not limited by our location. I don't have to move to Los Angeles in order to follow my dreams. I serve a God who is capable of doing far more than anything I could ever ask for or imagine, and He has proven that to me time and time again.

2. There is freedom in letting go of the people and things that weigh us down. Sometimes, it's okay to be selfish. We cannot keep pulling ourselves apart for the sake of other people's happiness. Our happiness matters, too. 

3. It's okay to move home after you graduate college. It's not embarrassing and it doesn't mean you've failed. 

4. Just because your path looks different than somebody else's does NOT mean your path is wrong. There are a thousand different ways for God to get us to our purpose. We take different paths and learn different lessons because we are being shaped for different purposes. 

5. We are not doormats. People can only wipe their feet on us for so long before the welcome wears off. The peephole is there for a reason! We must use it wisely before letting just anyone in. 

6. God will not teach us a lesson without presenting us with an opportunity to apply what we've learned. We were created to become like Christ. Every challenge we face is an opportunity for growth.

7. It's never too late to try and make things right. As imperfect people, we will not always do the right thing right away. Although we cannot change what happened, we can make things right by admitting our mistakes and correcting our wrongdoings no matter how much time has passed. 

8. We cannot expect anything to be handed to us. We must be willing to fight for what we want and prove day-in and day-out that our dreams and goals mean something to us.

9. "God remains faithful, even when we are faithless." His character and love for us never changes. 

10. We can't trust God while having tunnel-vision. If we are serious about fully putting our trust in the Lord and His plans for our lives, we must be flexible and willing to let go of what we THINK is best for us and embrace what God KNOWS is best for us. 

Happy New Year! 

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