Wednesday, September 3, 2014

"First day of school! First day of school!"

It seems like just yesterday I was taking a giant leap onto the filthy steps of White Oak Primary's "Donald Duck" school bus to head to my first day of kindergarten. Since that day, school has been my passion. I believe this results in part from my eagerness to learn, but also from my enthusiasm for life and my thirst for discovering not only what the world has to offer me, but what I have to offer the world. The enthusiasm I have for education has continued to thrive throughout the past 16yrs, and as hard as it is to believe, I began my LAST year of schooling yesterday! I AM A SENIOR IN COLLEGE, Y'ALL!

Three things came to mind as I rode the bus back to my apartment:
1) I am BLESSED! Everything I have is solely an illustration of God's grace and is NOTHING I deserve! I constantly find myself down on my knees, wiping tears from my eyes, thanking him for the individuals, opportunities, and obstacles he has purposely placed in my life! I am confident in the direction my life is going, and I am grateful for the paths that have led me to where I am today. I know God is writing His story on my heart and I'm just here to turn the pages when He, the Author, tells me to!

2) I am PUMPED! After 4yrs of summer classes and 15hr semesters, I'm ahead of schedule and will be taking 6hrs in the fall. My senior year will (hopefully) be a hop, skip, and a jump! Though I'm only taking two classes, my present circumstances are evidence that God wanted me to wait and graduate in May! Besides, I've got my whole life to work! Yes, it's a delight (I repeat: a DELIGHT) not having classes on MWF! However, I am most excited about discovering God's plan behind all of this and seeing how He'll use my "free" time to make a difference for His Kingdom. Don't worry, I have set aside PLENTY of time to study and write papers!

3) I am ANXIOUS! The closer I get to graduating, the closer I get to the real world. I'll soon be making decisions that will test my faith, challenge my courage, and ultimately change my life! It's scary, nerve-racking, and exciting all at the same time! However, if there's anything I've learned in college, it's that I am called to focus solely on the tasks God has assigned me right now - passing my classes, leading my sisters in Phi Lamb, and reaching out to those placed along my path here at Texas A&M. We aren't guaranteed the future. The only time we're guaranteed is the time we have right now at this very moment! I am reminded of Luke 16:10 that reads, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much." If we desire for God to use us in big ways, we must prove we are responsible with the tasks he has assigned us right now! With that being said, I'm letting go of the reins and will simply be enjoying the ride! I'll worry about being a grownup when the time comes!

Seeing that my first day of school was technically on a Tuesday, it only made sense to post a Transformation Tuesday picture!  In honor of my LAST first day of school EVER, I decided to recreate my FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN picture! Time flies when you're wearing giant bows and posing awkwardly for pictures! I am so grateful for these 16yrs of education, and I can't WAIT to see what God has in store for me this last year!

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