Thursday, January 1, 2015

Toodaloo 2014

For the past three years I've been introducing myself by saying: "HOWDY! My name is Kristin Koonce and I'm a (insert class year) Communication major from White Oak, TX! But more importantly, I am the LOUDEST and PROUDEST member of the Fightin' Texas Aggie Class of 2015!" Why am I telling you this, you ask? Well, as you can see by my Howdy Intro, 2015 is a special year because it's the year I GRADUATE from Texas A&M University! WHOOP! This will be a year of firsts as I finish up my college career and "go confidently in the direction of [my] dreams!" God has blessed me beyond measure and to say I'm thrilled/excited/happy/pumped to see what He has in store for my life this new year would be an understatement!

While the rest of the world scurried up and down the isles of their nearest grocery store gathering last minute items needed to kick off their New Year's Eve, I thought I'd kick back, relax and reflect on the lessons I learned this past year.

1. We're called to be a light in the darkness...not just when it's hard but ESPECIALLY when it's hard.

People constantly watch your reactions to circumstances. They pay attention to how you treat others when things aren't going your way and take note of the way you act when you think nobody's looking. It is in those times of darkness you must let your light shine the most! The harder it is to be a light, the more you will stick out to others because they will begin to notice that there is something different about you. They may not be able to put their finger on it, but they'll notice. Let your light shine at ALL times...ESPECIALLY when it's hard!

2. Practice makes permanent.

I learned that becoming like Christ is a lifelong process. How can we become more like Him if we don't practice developing Christlike attributes? If we're impatient, we need to practice patience. If we're ungrateful, we need to practice thanking God for things throughout our day. If we have the tendency to be unkind, we need to practice showing kindness. If we find others hard to love, we need to practice loving others. Again, it's a process! There's a difference between knowing what to do and doing it! We've already been taught how to respond to situations, treat those around us, etc., but unless we apply it to our lives, we'll never change for the better.

3. Don't rush things. Trust God's timing.

I was ahead of schedule (in my eyes) by the end of my junior year and could graduate a semester early if I decided to. However, God will rearrange our plans so they match HIS schedule rather than our own! Because I didn't rush graduating, God was able to work in and through my life in ways I never could have imagined! In other words, God's clock is never a "few minutes fast" or a "few minutes behind" but is, instead,  always right on time! He knows what is best for our lives long before we do and it's important to trust his timing!

4. God is love.

As Christians, the most important lesson we could ever learn is what it means to love. We can go our entire lives claiming to be disciples of Jesus Christ but if we don't show the love that Christ showed us to EVERYONE we meet, we can't truly know God because God IS love. It is hatred that pulls others away from Christ; it is LOVE that draws them near. As Christians, we need to love, love, LOVE!

5. There's no sense in being jealous of anyone.

God has given each of us a variety of spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities! When you are jealous of another's characteristics, you miss out on your own unique characteristics! You were uniquely made. There is no other person in this world like you. Learn to love yourself because you, (insert name here), have so much to offer the world! Stop worrying about not having this skill or that spiritual gift, be grateful for what you DO have! Don't take your talent for granted! Accept the person God made you to be so you can become all He intends you to be! Be inspired by those around you, not intimidated!

6. There is no comfortable way to tan your underarms.

I think the above statement speaks for itself.

7. Actions really do speak louder than words.

You don't have to talk about God 24/7 for others to know you're a Christian. People will be able to tell who it is you live for by your actions and the life you live. The world has plenty of people that SAY they love Christ. The world needs more people to SHOW they love Christ. We're called to "Preach the gospel at all times. If necessary, use words."

8. God needs Christians everywhere.

You have the potential to make a difference right where you are. Yes, you read that correctly! Whether you're scrubbing tables, bagging groceries, taking blood, or selling perfume, you're in position to change a life. Someone who has never witnessed the love of Christ may walk through the doors today and experience Him for the first time through an interaction with you! You never know what one simple smile, conversation, or kind gesture can do to a person's life! Trust that God has you exactly where he wants you and know that it's your responsibility to make the most of the opportunities he has given you! Shine your light "every day, every day" in any and every way possible!

9. Happiness is a choice.

You choose every day whether you will walk through life with a chip on your shoulder or a smile on your face. Joy is not circumstantial. It's experienced as a result of looking at situations from God's perspective and trusting His bigger picture. Wake up every morning and make the decision to be happy and live a joy-filled life!

10. Don't wait for the new year to make a change.

Every day is a new day. You don't have to wait for a new year to do better, to be better! Today can be special...just say the word! Life is too short to put something off for tomorrow if you can get it done today!

In closing...
Here is my favorite quote from the movie New Years Eve in regards to last night and the new year ahead of us: "And as you all can see, the ball has stopped half way to its perch. It's suspended there to remind us, before we pop the [Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice] and celebrate the new year, to stop and reflect on the year that has gone by, to remember both our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken, the times we opened ourselves up to great adventures...or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt. Because that's what New Year's is all about...getting another chance...a chance to forgive, to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more, and to stop worrying about what if and start embracing what will be. So when that ball drops at midnight, and it will drop, let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other, and not just tonight but all year long."

HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY NEW YEAR! As always, God Bless and Gig 'Em!

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