Fightin' Texas Aggie Football:
I attended my last Fightin' Texas Aggie football game as a student this semester. Nearly 40,000 students stand as proud members of the 12th Man every home game making us the largest college football student section in the NATION! I wish I could put into words the transformation that takes place inside after one attend's their first Aggie football game but even if I were to elaborate excessively, I would not be able to do it justice. It's something you have to experience for yourself because there truly is "a spirit [that] can ne'er be's the spirit of Aggieland!" However, I will say this: When we sing The Aggie War Hymn, tears flood my eyes as, what seems to be, an electric current shoots up and down my spine and goosebumps appear all over my body. For the past three years I have gazed intently as thousands (soon to be 106,000) of Aggies "throw their arms 'round each other and sing Hullabaloo!" It's a memory engraved in the back of my mind and on my heart forever, a memory I will take with me wherever I go. The passion I have for serving Texas A&M University has led to a lifestyle that allows me to represent the 12th Man in all I say and do. Aside from my heart for school spirit, I have a thirst for discovering not what the world has to offer me, but what I have to offer the world! E. King Gill “stood by in case his team needed him." In the same way, I will stand by, eagerly ready to serve whoever is in need, Aggie or not, with an enthusiastic smile and helping hand. Representing the 12th Man is an honor and I will continue to devote my life to reaching out and serving others until I take my last breath. I am a Fightin’ Texas Aggie and that is no accident! I know God placed me at Texas A&M University for a reason and, as a result, I aim to reach above and beyond what is expected of me by doing all that I can, and more, to represent the 12th Man with pride!
This picture was taken when Ratchel (Ratchet Rachel), me, Dr. P and Harmonica were FIRST ROW, second deck! This NEVER happens and is a HUGE deal because the student section seats are randomized!
This picture was taken three years ago at my very first Midnight Yell, formally known as First Yell.
We couldn't feel our fingers and our clothes were soaking wet, but we whooped and hollered our hearts out one last time together! I wouldn't have wanted to spend my last game (as a student) with anybody else!
I think I've already posted a picture of my overalls before but if not, I made these for my senior year! I'm making memories the only way I know how - wearing goofy outfits, a side-ponytail, and a big grin on my chin!
Three years ago, I made the decision to participate in Chi-O's Songfest and it is, by far, one of the best decisions I've made at Texas A&M! Blessings have overflowed from it! Not only was I blessed with the opportunity to meet and get to know a LOT of girls in Sigma Phi Lambda (whom I may have never even MET otherwise), but I also met two of my best friends as we "boogie-woogied" on the back row together. From Dottie Hunt Studio to Texas A&M's Songfest, God has revealed through dancing what it means to smile despite my missed counts/wrong dance moves (or failures) and continue tapping to the rhythm (of life), even if I'm off-beat! I'm so thankful that my parents put me through dance growing up, for I wouldn't be who I am today without it and I wouldn't have participated in Songfest!
This was the year we (Sigma Phi Lambda/Ol' Ags) won! "Bed Rockin' Out" was the theme and, as you can see, the girls/guys were dressed as Fred and Wilma Flintstone!
For Songfest 2013, the theme was "Let's Get Gatsby" so all the girls dressed as flappers and the guys dressed in suits and ties!

This is a picture of Jess and I at Songfest 2014! This year's theme was Transformers. The red flannels represented cars and halfway through we took them off as we "transformed" into robots!
Birthday Party:
Okay, so MAYBE this isn't an Aggie/Phi Lamb tradition...but, seeing that it was my last birthday in college, I thought the post was necessary regardless! If you know me at all, you know I'm not one to follow the crowd. For my 22nd birthday, I wanted to avoid singing the typical "Feelin' 22" song by Taylor Swift and had a "TwoTwo and Tennis Shoes" party for my 22nd birthday at Chuck E. Cheese instead! Everyone wore tutus and I dressed like this random toddler I found on Pinterest! It was a night to remember...mostly because I'm actually horrified of Chuck E. Cheese and almost cried when he began approaching me without warning! Aside from "the incident" God has blessed me with yet another year filled with love, laughter, and silly outfits!

Barn Dance:
Barn Dance is Sigma Phi Lambda's fall semester Date Party! Although I don't like organized dancing (i.e. two-stepping), I've always, ALWAYS enjoyed myself at Barn Dance! I must say, however, my all-time favorite part about any dance we have at Texas A&M is ending it with The Aggie War Hymn! It brings tears to my eyes every single time and will be one of the things I miss most about this place!

Sigma Phi Lambda's "Yellow Rose Barn Dance" 2012

Barn Dance 2013

Sigma Phi Lambda officers at "Flowers n' Flannels" (Barn Dance 2014)
Phi Lamb's Christmas Party:
Nothing makes you giggle more than walking into a room filled with nearly 400 silly girls dressed in ugly Christmas sweaters, reindeer antlers, and swaddling clothes! The costume contest is a nail-biter to say the least.

I was a Christmas tree my first year! Santa's eight reindeer, a snowflake, and the three wise men also made an appearance that night.

Kooky Kristin wanted to be a snowman the second time around! I refused to be a "regular" snowman, of course, so we stuffed ourselves with plastic sacks to make ourselves look 3-D!

Christmas Party 2014 - "Fleece" Navidad (Get it? Phi LAMB? HAHAHA!)
I can't believe how fast the semester flew by! It seems like just yesterday I was fetching water in the kitchen after riding my bike when a letter addressed to me from Texas A&M University caught my eye on the counter! This has been the best semester by FAR and I know it will only continue to get better as the memories continue piling up! I'm so thankful for each and every opportunity that has been placed along my path! It has been tough at times, but I'll never back down from a challenge! God has revealed Himself to me in ways I could have never imagined. He taught me the importance of relying on Him wholeheartedly in any and all situations as I witnessed His handiwork in even the tiniest details! I made a lot of mistakes and had to learn lessons the hard way but it was in those moments I experienced the grace of God on a whole new level. As always, He is good and I owe everything to Him!
Because Central Perk played a significant role throughout Friends, returning to it one last time during the series finale only made the six friends laid their keys to the apartment on the kitchen counter and made their way out the door for one last cup of coffee. Although I am already halfway done with my "cup of coffee" here at Texas A&M, I am enjoying it one "sip" at a time! I can't wait to see what God has in store next semester!
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