Saturday, July 18, 2015

Do Something by Matthew West

As I was reading and laying out by the pool the other day, Do Something by Matthew West began playing on the radio. There's just something about this song that stops me in my tracks as the words begin rushing through me. I put my book down and let the sun beat against my face. My heart began racing. I smiled. 

This song makes me feel alive. It makes me think about life and, ironically, it's simplicity. 

Yes, I want to change the world, but I don't necessarily want to be famous. I just want to make Him famous.

We have all been given the same assignments, both the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. Because we are uniquely made and because God created each of us with a specific purpose in mind, the ways in which we complete these assignments will be unique to our purpose. In other words, we all receive the same assignment (love God, love others, glorify God and make disciples of Jesus Christ) but not the same instructions (teach children, find a cure for cancer, build schools in Africa, etc.). IT TAKES ALL OF US!

One of my all-time favorite quotes encourages us to "Live in such a say that those who don't know God but know you, may come to know God because they knew you." It's about living a life that points to Jesus as we serve those around us. It's about making His name known. It's about loving God and loving His people. It's about using the things we're most passionate about to glorify God and to make disciples of Jesus Christ.

It's about doing SOMETHING instead of NOTHING!

Every single one of us is called to do that. Every single one of us has been assigned the Great Commission. Don't wait for somebody else to do what you yourself have been called to do. Remember, we are the body of Christ. We are His hands and feet. If we don't do it, it may never get done.


What are we waiting for?


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